Partnerships & Media:

Please contact Prof. Morrison at either or

Prospective Students & Postdoctoral Scholars:

We always welcome applications from highly motivated students and postdoctoral scholars with backgrounds in human geography, political science, biology, climate science, public policy, sociology, environmental humanities, and cognate disciplines.

Addressing injustice, inequity and exclusion in the research sector and in environmental governance is a key dimension of our working practice. We are committed to enhancing equity and diversity in academia, and encourage students and postdoctoral scholars from under-represented groups to apply to join our team.

Areas of interest include:

  • Comparative analysis of multi-scalar governance transformation

  • Scalar and spatial dimensions of governing for change

  • Adaptation of governance in tropical, coastal and marine regions

  • Mixing discourse analysis, archival and ethnographic methods with digital and automated techniques


If you are considering contacting us to inquire about a PhD or postdoctoral opportunity, please read this article before contacting Prof. Morrison at either or